Conference programme


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

11h00-12h00 Arrival and registration
12h00-13h30 Lunch
13h30-13h45 Welcome and information
Andy Zbinden, SWITCH; Willi Bernhard, FFHS

Keynote Andrea Back, UNISG; Florian Gnägi, frentix GmbH:
"Do LMS have a future? A conversation between criticism and defense of today's LMS"
Chair: Stefano Tardini, USI

15h00-15h30 Coffee break
15h30-16h30 Learning cafés I (3 x 20 min.)
16h30-17h30 Special Interest Groups
17h30-19h30 Chill-out, meetings and contacts
19h30  Aperitif and dinner
Hotel de la Paix, Lugano


Thursday, March 24, 2011

08h30-08h45 AAA info session
Petra Kauer-Ott, SWITCH
08h45-09h45 Learning cafés II (3 x 20 min.)
09h45-10h15 Coffee break
10h15-11h15 Keynote Teemu Arina, Dicole, Helsinki, Finland:
"Cloud learning: learning environments in the cloud era"
Chair: Nathalie Roth, SWITCH

Panel discussion:
"How can we integrate new media to establish modern teaching in our institutions?"
Beat Döbeli, PHZH; Lukas Heierle, UNIBAS; Niklaus Lang, FHNW; Rudolf Mumenthalre, ETHZ; Thomas Tribelhorn, UNIBE
Chair: Urs Gröhbiel, FHNW

12h15-12h30 Summary and outlook
Andy Zbinden, SWITCH
12h30-14h00 Lunch
14h00 End of eduhub days 2011


Programme committee

Willi Bernhard, FFHS; Luca Botturi, SUPSI; Rolf Brugger, SWITCH; Lorenzo Cantoni, USI; Beat Döbeli, PHZ; Urs Gröhbiel, FHNW; Hervé Platteaux, UNIFR; Nathalie Roth, SWITCH; Eva Seiler Schiedt, UZH; Stefano Tardini, USI


Side event

14h15 - 16h15 Meeting of the Educational Technology Working Group (ETWG)

  • Chair: Urs Gröhbiel, FHNW
  • Secretary: Rolf Brugger, SWITCH