EDLW – European Distance Learning Week

This year EDEN will be proudly hosting the fourth year of the European Distance Learning Week (EDLW) in cooperation with the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) – and our Special Partner for 2019: the Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia (ODLAA). For events during USDLA's National Distance Learning Week on 4-8 November, please see the NDLW website.

During the European Distance Learning Week, you will have access to daily online webinars and panel sessions of expert scholars and practitioners presenting a variety of cutting edge open an online learning topics, from innovations in design to open educational research.

Join us for the events – participation is free and open!

About this event
Begin11.11.2019 - 11:00
End15.11.2019 - 14:00
LocationEDEN's Adobe Connect room
More Infohttp://www.eden-online.org/eden_conference/edlw-2019/
Twitter #edlw2019