Stay informed about all important e-learning events in Switzerland and abroad. The events are divided in community events, that are organised by eduhub, and international events, that might be relevant for the community.
The SIG E-Assessment lobbies for E-Assessment, organises workshops or meetings and brings together E-Assessment experts from Swiss Higher Education...
Welcome to eduhub Days 2024, the annual conference dedicated to the dynamic world of e-learning, teaching, technology, and didactics of Swiss Higher...
The SIG E-Assessment lobbies for E-Assessment, organises workshops and brings together E-Assessment experts from Swiss Higher Education...
SAMoo is a community for Moodle administrators at Swiss Higher Education Institutions. We meet one to two times a year to exchange knowhow and best...
Fostering the Future of Higher Education Together! Higher education is facing the continuous development of technology, collaboration, and living...
Dear Members of the SIG e-Portfolio We are happy to announce that after a long period of not having any meetings due to the Covid pandemic to...
Während der Covid-19 Pandemie wurden in den vergangenen beiden Jahren an Hochschulen innovative digitale Herangehensweisen entwickelt und implementiert....
The University of Sheffield’s Digital Humanities Institute is delighted to announce that its three-day conference will be held in Sheffield...
NordMedia2023 is organized by the University of Bergen in cooperation with the national Nordic research...
EDULEARN22, the 14th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies will be held in Palma de Mallorca (Spain)...
Media & Learning Association’s annual conference is back in Leuven, Belgium on 2-3 June 2022 and we look forward to meeting you there!...
The Congress is to be organised around specialized and thematic sessions. Specialized sessions will address unique approaches to OER such as the best...
The SIG e-Assessment lobbies for e-assessment, organises workshops and brings together e-assessment experts from Swiss Higher Education...
SAMoo is a community for Moodle administrators at Swiss Higher Education Institutions. We meet one to two times a year to exchange knowhow and best...
Digifest 2022 brings together the UK's learning and teaching community to consider the next stage in the evolution of learning. Changing for...
Digitale Lehre beleben – Das Beste aus beiden Welten Das "Corona-Jahr" hat in der Hochschulbildung seine Spuren hinterlassen. Was lernen...
12th International conference on exploring service science According to the IESS tradition, IESS 2.2 will cover major areas of research and education...
Games and learning – how to engage everyone Motivation is key, when it comes to engaging students and teachers to use new learning technologies and...
The SIG e-Assessment lobbies for e-assessment, organises workshops and brings together e-assessment experts from Swiss Higher Education...
Co-organised by Ellinogermaniki Agogi, the Institute of Educational Policy, the European Distance and E-Learning Network and the...
ICDE’s countdown to 2030: Reiterating commitments and redefining routes ICDE is a global association with a trajectory devoted to the promotion of...
Open Education Global is pleased to announce that the University of Nantes will host the 2021 Open Education Global Conference, 5 to 7,...
SAMoo is a community for Moodle administrators at Swiss Higher Education Institutions. We meet one to two times a year to exchange knowhow and best...
Die Open-Access-Tage sind mit jeweils bis zu 400 Teilnehmer:innen die zentrale jährliche Konferenz zum Thema Open Access im deutschsprachigen Raum. Sie...
Die LEARNING INNOVATION hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Innovationen im Lernen zu entdecken, zu reflektieren und zu praktizieren. Die Konferenz präsentiert...
The University of Sheffield’s Digital Humanities Institute is delighted to announce that its three-day conference will be held in Sheffield...
EDEN is pleased to announce its 30th Annual Conference hosted by the National Distance Education University UNED in Madrid 22-26 June 2021. The main...
New ways in and for online education After Madrid in 2017 and Naples in 2019, it is the turn for Potsdam to host the next EMOOCs conference. The seventh...
In this online activity we will gain further experience with the instant messaging tool Discord – where we will meet to try out some scenarios for...
Das neu gegründete "Schweizer Netzwerk Service Learning an Hochschulen" führt am 18. und 19. Juni 2021 die Konferenz mit dem Titel...
Lehren und Lernen mit Video Wir freuen uns, Sie zum 7. "Tag der Lehre" am Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2021, einzuladen. Unser Video-Teaser verrät die...
In this online activity we will gain further experience with the web conferencing tool OpenMeetings – where we will meet to try out some scenarios...
Coronavirus has forced major changes in education at every level, from early years to adult learning and career development. The pandemic has...
How to reach and maintain high quality in distance learning Quality is not only where you expect it to be. The higher you climb, the wider a perspective...
The Opencast community is an international collaboration of individuals, higher education institutions and organisations working together to discuss,...
Present your latest and greatest work at IEEE VR 2021 in Lisbon, Portugal. We are planning for VR 2021 to occur in both physical and virtual spaces. The...
Agenda 09h00-09h05 Welcome and introductionNathalie Roth, SWITCH 09h05-10h00 Moodle at your institution – Update from all...
In this online activity we will gain further experience with the gathering-tool Wonder – where we will meet to try out some scenarios for online...
Die Konferenz "Inverted Classroom and beyond" fand bereits neun Mal statt. Sie ist ein inzwischen nicht wegzudenkender Implusgeber für die...
Shaping the future of teaching The current COVID-19 crisis has acted as a huge accelerator for digitalisation in the Swiss academic landscape. With the...
The Open Classroom Conference 2020 "Open and Distance Eduation: New Challenges and Perspectives", co-organised by the Ellinogermaniki Agogi...
13h00-13h20 Introcution: State of the SMS 13h20-13h40 Safe Exam BrowserIntegration in SMSStudent...
The scope and themes of the conference can be found directly on the website.
Welcome to the International Science and Technology Conference (ISTEC). ISTEC series, started in 2010, is an international, non-profitable activity with...
Seamless Learning – lebenslanges, nahtloses Lernen ermöglichen Soeben wurde der Call for Papers für die 28. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für...
The 12th annual international conference on education and new learning technologies EDULEARN is one of the largest international education conferences...
Human and artificial intelligence for the society of the future – Inspiring digital education for the next STE(A)M student generation The mission...
Images and sound in higher education Media & Learning 2020 will highlight the latest pedagogical and technical developments in the field of...
Empowering students Students like questions to help them prepare for exams. However, it's hard to provide enough questions for many self-assessments and...
In this online-activity, we will gain further experience with avatar-based virtual reality/flat-mode collaboration – where we try out some...
The first edition of MoodleMoot Ticino will be held in Bellinzona on 8-9 May 2020 (in Italian). The event is organised by CERDD –...
Eine Moot (der Begriff wird weltweit für diese Art von Konferenzen verwendet) bietet Nutzer/innen/* von Moodle, Mahara oder BigBlueButton die...
The 2020 edition of the International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK20) will take place in Frankfurt, Germany. LAK20 is organised...
Learning Analytics beschreibt das technikgestützte Messen und Auswerten von Daten aus Lernprozessen, um das Lernen zu unterstützen und zu optimieren....
The Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) cordially invites you to participate in the Open Science Days 2020. The event will take place at...
The international conference #OpenEducation for #Integration is going to take place at the Innovation in Learning...
"Everything anytime and anywhere? Selbststudium in Zeiten der Digitalisierung" Am achten "Tag der Lehre" der Universität Bern soll...
Ab 2020 wird die Konferenz als DACH-Projekt umgesetzt. Die geplanten Schwerpunkte: Triebfeder Interdisziplinarität Didaktische Makerspaces Offene...
Die #icmbeyond wird nun als DACH-Projekt organisiert. Sie ist inzwischen ein nicht wegzudenkender Impulsgeber für die Weiterentwicklung des Inverted...
Videos in higher education For some years now videos are omnipresent not only in students but also in our own every day and work lives. By now, in most...
LEARNTEC is the place to be. More than ever before, e-learning is a firm fixture in integral education concepts. There is an unstoppable trend towards...
Ready to experience the future of video? Join us for three amazing days of workshops, panels, and networking. Learn about the latest trends, research,...
"Einfach lernen" – alles rund um Portfolioarbeit und Lernerfolg bunt zusammengestellt aus...
MoodleMoot Greece 2019 will be held in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. We invite you to join the Greek Moodle Community and Moodle HQ for two...
The first global MoodleMoot For the very first time, we're pleased to host MoodleMoot Global 2019 in Barcelona, from 18-20 November 2019, with guests...
Flexibles Lernen an Hochschulen gestalten Die zunehmenden Herausforderungen an Hochschulen, einerseits ausgelöst durch den digitalen Wandel und...
Agenda 10h15-10h30 Welcome coffee 10h30-11h30 Moodle at your institution – update from all members 11h30-12h00 Moodle at...
Der ZHdK-Projekt-Slam zur Digitalität Alle sprechen über Digitalität. Sprich auch du darüber – und zwar 200 Sekunden. Du hast ein Projekt in petto,...
The 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning taking place in Dublin is one of the largest and most prestigious international conferences in the...
Free whiteboard collaboration tools and Jitsi In this online activity we experience online collaboration in interaction with three different digital...
How to enhance informal recognition and articulate it with formal recognition, what impact on education, employment or civic life, these are some of the...
The EDUCAUSE Annual Conference showcases the best thinking in higher education IT! With the best presenters, the best content and the best networking,...
CanvasCon is a two-day, European edtech event designed to enhance teaching and learning. Recognised as a leading European smart city, Barcelona is the...
The European Conference on Games Based Learning was established 12 years ago. It has been held in Austria, Scotland, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Greece,...
On the topic A mature approach to information technology requires a basic understanding of its possibilities and the processes behind it. Most people...
Das Webinar bietet eine Einführung in das Thema Open Educational Resources und beantwortet folgende Fragen: Was sind Open Educational Resources? Wie...
The 18th International ILIAS Conference will take place on September 26 and 27, 2019, in Dresden, Germany, and will be hosted by DGUV Academy.
Nach der Initiierung des e-Prüfungs-Symposiums durch die RTWH Aachen im Jahr 2014 und den Folgetatungen in Paderborn 2015, Aachen 2016, Bremen 2017 und...
L'innovazione della tecnologia multimediale nella didattica universitaria Dai sistemi di collaborazione e condivisione al controllo integrato delle...
Wenn Bildungsszenarien zunehmend durch Technologie unterstützt werden ermöglicht das neben neuen didaktischen Möglichkeiten auch den Abbau von Hürden...
Digital technologies transform writing and reading fundamentally and lead to new forms of literacy, media use, writing habits and competence profiles....
The use of technology in education has revolutionised learning. Shifting beyond traditional mode of education, the integration of technology has become... ist die führende Konferenz der Schweiz rund um das Thema offene Daten. Zum neunten Mal bieten wir am 4. Juli in Bern Raum für einen...
Creating conditions for deeper learning in science The event of the Open Classroom Conference (OCC) series will take place on 29 and 30 June 2019....
Unter dem Motto "Digital skills powered by..." öffnen das Zentrum der Lehre der UNIL, das Eduweb der PHLU und das Zentrum für Lernen, Lehren...
Warum führen wir einen OOtalks durch? Ziel ist es, dass sich die Benutzer von OpenOLAT kennen lernen und miteinander austauschen können. Einerseits...
The Higher Education landscape is changing. As the information economy progresses, demand for a more highly, and differently, qualified workforce...
What kind of skills are required for e-learning and e-teaching in the arts? What do educational technologies and digitally-based methodologies look...
What kind of skills are required for e-learning and e-teaching in the arts? What do educational technologies and digitally-based methodologies look...
Open book e-examinations During the last workshop we came to the conclusion that open book e-examinations seem to be a topic of increasing interest at...
Open Educational Resources (OER) made a dramatic appearance with the 2002 debut of MIT's Open Courseware initiative. In the roughly 17 years since, OERs...
SAVE THE DATE Impact des jeux vidéos sur le cerveau qui apprend Le centre e-learning Cyberlearn et le SADAP organisent sous l'égide des dicastères...
Saviez-vous que durant les 12 derniers mois, 41% des suisses entre 16 et 64 ans ont joué au moins une fois à un jeu vidéo au sens large ? Les femmes...
On May 7 and 8, 2019, we are organising the Swiss MOOC Service workshop at the EPFL studios in Lausanne. In these intensive days we share the knowledge...
SAMoo (Swiss Academic Moodle Community) serves as a platform for Swiss Higher Education Institutions to exchange knowledge and best practices in...
Solutions et tendances dans le domaine des technologies éducatives Laurent Bezault, conseiller en système d'information pour la pédagogie au département...
Models and applications for augmented and virtual realities are booming: They come across as apps on smartphones, as avatars and assistive technologies,...
Open source web conference tool, idea board and social voting In this online activity we experience online collaboration in interaction with three...
Facetten der digitalen Hochschulbildung in diesem Jahr: Data Literacy, akademische Integrität und Qualitätsförderung Am 4. und 5. April 2019 findet...
Im Zuge der Automatisierung werden in den nächsten 20-30 Jahren 440 Mio. Jobs verloren gehen. Gleichzeitig aber werden auch 550 Mio. neue Jobs...
Am 26. und 27. Februar 2019 geht die Inverted Classroom-Konferenz in ihre achte Runde. Rund um das Thema "The next stage" werden...
Teaching and learning in the digital world Digitalisation is omnipresent in discourses about society, work and education. It is an expression that...
The SIG e-Assessment pursues several goals, such as lobbying for e-assessment and national funding programmes, information hub between people and...
As already discussed in the previous webinar on eCollaboration: Collaborative learning has been shown as an effective way to develop both the range and...
Depuis quelques décennies, les technologies numériques (TN) ont pénétré l'univers de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage. Les pouvoirs publics...
Comments on ENQA plublication: Considerations for quality assurance of e-learning provision The SIG Quality Distance Learning invites to a webinar...
In the 7th edition of this workshop we will focus on the future promotion and implementation of e-portfolios in higher education. For this, we need to...
mLearn is the leading international conference on mobile and contextual learning and attracts participants annually from more than 60 countries. mLearn...
Hypervideos – or interactive videos – add to the benefits of a traditional video four main features: advanced navigational control, that allows users to...
This year EDEN will be proudly hosting the third year of the European Distance Learning Week (EDLW) in cooperation with the United States Distance...
swissuniversities a le plaisir de vous inviter à la National Open Access Conference qui aura lieu le vendredi 26 octobre prochain à l'Université de...
EDEN's 2018 workshop "Personalised guidance and support for learning" focuses on the crucial and changing roles of teachers in supporting...
Effective use of learning analytics can deliver benefits for students, staff and institutions. This workshop will explore how we can make use of data...
Alle Mitglieder und Interessierten der Opencast D/A/CH-Community laden wir herzlich ein! Kommt vorbei in die fränkische Metropolregion für eine tolle...
Die Jahrestagung der GMW versteht sich als der zentrale Ort für die deutschsprachige E-Learning Community an den Hochschulen in Deutschland, Österreich...
Wie eine "Heilslehre" überzieht der Begriff "Digitalisierung" fast alle Lebensbereiche – natürlich auch den Bildungsbereich. Gerade...
Die ILIAS-Konferenz in Luzern naht und so auch die Tage vor der Konferenz mit den SIG-Treffen. Nach dem Kickoff unserer SIG "Video und ILIAS"...
SIG e-Portfolio was launched in 2010 for teachers and academic staff at Swiss Higher Education Institutions. The goal of SIG e-Portfolio is to share new...
While technology has spread quickly and disrupted many parts of society, mobile learning is still in its infancy. Mobile learning has to overcome many...
To master the new challenges generated by digitalisation in higher education, we need new interpersonal and digital skills. Handling data and using the...
First impressions and thoughts Last October, Microsoft released "Windows Mixed Reality", and head-mounted displays are seen more and more....
The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL), partnering with the Association of American Colleges &...
Im deutschsprachigen Raum existiert mittlerweile eine Vielzahl von Projekten, die sich mit dem Thema freie Bildungsmaterialien in der Hochschullehre...
EDULEARN is one of the largest international education conferences for lecturers, researchers, technologists and professionals from the educational...
The SIG e-Assessment pursues several goals such as lobbying for e-assessment and national funding programmes, information hub between people and...
The Swiss Academic Moodle Community (SAMoo) was created in 2010 to serve as a platform for Swiss Universities to exchange knowledge and best practices...
The arrival of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) presents a lot of new challenges to those who build them, such as: Pedagogical: personalisation,...
Putting students into the Moodle driver's seat – How StudentQuiz motivates students to share questions to prepare for exams Students like questions to...
Collaborative learning has been shown as an effective way to develop both the range and depth of student competence. Participants who work together...
The Safe Exam Browser (SEB) is a lockdown browser, which enables secure online-exams. Initially, the Safe Exam Browser was developed by the ETH Zurich...
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a new embodiment of Digital Education that has been gaining momentum around the world since 2012. These are...
10-year anniversary of eduhub Collaboratively shaping the future of education Digitalisation of economy is setting new challenges for the Swiss academic...
Annotating academic videos While video content seems omnipresent in higher education nowadays, its use is often limited to pure consumption – lacking...
The SIG e-Assessment pursues several goals such as lobbying for e-assessment and national funding programmes, information hub between people and...
Agenda 10h15-10h30 Welcome coffee 10h30-11h30 Moodle at your institution – short update from all members 11h30-12h30 Moodle at ETHZThomas...
Since 2016, EPFL offers staff and students the possibility to use G-Suite for editing, sharing and organising documents. We clarified the legal...
Subtitles, closed captions and open channels on SWITCHtube SWITCHtube received another very nice software update which we would like to present in this...
Although blended learning has become a standard teaching method in higher education, institutions and professors alike fall back to asynchronous paper...
The MOOC phenomenon is growing. At the moment there is a constant offer of more than 1'500 courses online from 400 universities/institutions on...
The Swiss Academic Moodle Community (SAMoo) was created in 2010 to serve as a platform for Swiss Universities to exchange knowledge and best practices...
The SIG e-Assessment pursues several goals such as lobbying for e-assessment and national funding programmes, information hub between people and...
e-Assessment from vision to practice: exploring new scenarios Educational institutions use technology for teaching and learning – but for assessing?...
Since 2010, the Sauder School of Business has successfully delivered over 40'000 online high stakes BYOD onsite exams. Over the years, processes have...
The SIG e-Assessment pursues several goals such as lobbying for e-assessment and national funding programmes, information hub between people and...
E-portfolios are an amazing tool! They can be used as a learning diary, to reflect on your learning process, and they can at the same time be used as a...
The Swiss Academic Moodle Community (SAMoo) was created in 2010 to serve as a platform for Swiss Universities to exchange knowledge and best practices...
Students like preparatory questions for exams. However, it’s hard to provide a large quantity of questions for self-assessments and exams. That’s where...
The burning question of the rights on data from MOOCs hosted on US platforms pushes European universities to distribute their MOOCs on local platforms...
Scenarios based on SWITCHcast and its Moodle-Plugin Videos are being increasingly used for teaching and learning. Recent technological advances have...
The SIG e-Assessment pursues several goals such as lobbying for e-assessment and national funding programmes, information hub between people and...
In March 2015, the Luebeck University of Applied Sciences started its own MOOC platform mooin. In 160 days of development, we made Moodle look sexy...
In this webinar we propose to share our reflections about the MOOC production at EPFL as from 2012, and our findings about their impact on campus based...
First Steps with the New OpenCast Video Solution of SWITCH for Automated Lecture Recording For almost 10 years SWITCHcast has been the well-known video...
The Swiss Academic Moodle Community (SAMoo) was created in 2010 to serve as a platform for Swiss Universities to exchange knowledge and best practices...
New documents – New interactive and collaborative learning scenarios Today educational technologies bring us a series of new documents, in particular...
Ever since the launch of MOOCs, globalisation and digitisation have definitely reached higher education. While the effects can be neglected today, MOOCs...
The SIG e-Assessment pursues several goals such as lobbying for e-assessment and national funding programmes, information hub between people and...
The SIG e-Portfolio, SIG Personal Learning Environments and SWITCH are pleased to announce the next national event, which will take place on Friday,...
Higher education students work with their own personal learning environment (PLE). PLE environments can be understood as a technology: platforms where...
The Swiss Academic Moodle Community (SAMoo) was created in 2010 to serve as a platform for Swiss Universities to exchange knowledge and best practices...
Communication and counseling skills are crucial for Social Work professionals. As Bachelor courses suffer from lack of lecture time, student workload,...
The burning question of the rights on data from MOOCs hosted on US platforms pushes European universities to distribute their MOOCs on local platforms...
The individual contexts of learners are important influencing factors for successful learning. Especially with e-learning services, such as MOOC...
With the growing popularity of MOOCs phenomenon, there emerged various for-profit and non-profit organisations providing platforms to host or offer...
This webinar is a follow up of the webinar "SWITCHtube – How to Share Academic Videos" presented on January, 22, 2015. This time we will go...
The Swiss Academic Moodle Community (SAMoo) was created in 2010 to serve as a platform for Swiss Universities to exchange knowledge and best practices...
The power of group based innovation The trend factory eduhub rather creates trends than following them. The 7th edition of the eduhub days will focus on...
Concepts and standards This webinar focuses on the new opportunities of using e-books on smart phones and tablets. It treats expanding electronic...
The all-in-one tablet solution for e-assessments E-assessments have become increasingly popular lately. A growing number of educational institutions...
A life-like experience to train user requirements elicitation skills – From the idea to the realisation and use of a behavioural simulator to train web...
Various support materials for e-portfolio work have been developed within the eduhub SIG e-Portfolio. A working group produced papers for students,...
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, in short LSP, is a methodology developed at the end of the 1990s, which fosters creative thinking and innovation through the uses...
The SIG e-Assessment pursues several goals such as lobbying for e-assessment and national funding programmes, information hub between people and...
Questions to be discussed: How to organise quality assurance? How to select MOOC topics? How to support professors (during development/running of a...
How an LMS can support the mobile generation The development of the LMS OLAT started 1999 at University of Zurich as a student project. 15 years later,...
How to gamify learning with design and technology At the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), we developed a...
Agenda Definition of goals and topics Questions of implementation Technical aspects: platform, hosting, authentication, infrastructure Legal aspects:...
The SIG e-Portfolio is pleased to announce the next national e-portfolio event, which will take place on Wednesday, May 14, 2014, at SWITCH in Zurich....
Mobile learning environments Since the mid-1970s, universities began to use email and asynchronous text-based conferencing to complement their courses....
Prototype presentation and testing In an ongoing research project (Social Media as a Catalyser for Cross National Learning SoMeCat), utilising a mixed...
Using Google Glass in a learning environment Cyberlearn celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2014 and in this context wants to participate to outlining...
The creative minds of eduhub We are living in a continually changing and fast developing world, which brings new opportunities and challenges every day....
Collaborative solutions quick and clean The webinar presents the solution finder model, a method for developing collaborative solutions of high quality...
Online conference on virtual and digital storytelling This half-day conference on virtual and digital storytelling presents personal and institutional...
The task market supports students in the phases of accompanied and autonomous self-study. Students are requested to formulate practical problems and...
The SIG e-Assessment pursues several goals such as lobbying for e-assessment and national funding programmes, information hub between people and...
Mobile voting is a web application allowing live voting during an event. Participants need only a web enabled mobile device. Teachers prepare...
The ADL Co-Labs published the Experience API, short XAPI, early in 2013. The XAPI has been primarily developed by the TinCan project in order to...
The aim of this year’s annual SIG e-Portfolio event is to get prepared for the forthcoming national funding program "Information scientifique:...
The academic e-identity project aims at identifying the main core ideas of future online services targeting students during their studies and beyond,...
How to conduct online examinations using Safe Exam Browser 2.0 Online examinations are an increasingly important means of assessing performance at...
The Swiss Academic Moodle Community (SAMoo) was created in 2010 to serve as a platform for Swiss Universities to exchange knowledge and best practices...
Methods for optimising the learning process Learning processes should always be adapted to the needs of learners, teachers and higher education...
Towards a digital planet The eduhub days 2013 will be under the sign of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and knowledge management. Keynote Jörn...
A collaborative storytelling model Once upon a time… this sentence brings us right into the magic wonderland of fairy tales where everything is...
The interest for e-portfolios has been spreading in Swiss Higher Education Institutions. From experimental and small scale e-portfolio projects, the...
Enabling the agile construction of Personal Learning Environments In the framework of the ROLE European research project on Responsive Open Learning...
Quality at Swiss Higher Education Institutions (HEI) becomes more and more important. During the webinar we will present and demonstrate two tools and...
The first educational app of HES-SO offers students (and others) a drill on their iPhones, iPads or iTouch (and soon on Android too) to improve their...
Smart Wave – Social trends in learning During this two-day event, we are going to meet the "Generation Y": Students are going to relate from...
Discuss your digital copyright issues in education with a legal expert This webinar is intended for people who already have a basic knowledge in digital...
Concept and first results from clinical design research project We will start this webinar by briefly presenting concept and first results from...
This webinar focuses on the usage of social software and Web2.0 for teaching and learning. The webinar gives an overview on available web-tools and...
AI in virtual global lecture halls Virtual worlds are not only used for entertainment, they may also enrich learning environments. In the ShanghAI...
In this webinar we are going to explore different aspects, such as the experiences made in the tablet didactics pilot project of the FFHS, the...
In this webinar we will provide models of game mechanics and game dynamics and present “exemplary not yet tested ideas” on how to facilitate...
The challenge of open ideas The motto of the eduhub days 2011 is "The challenge of open ideas": Should institutions of higher education opt...
Professional identities in higher education SWITCH invites you to the eduhub days 2010, the national meeting of e-learning executives, support centre...
A methodology to approach digital copyright in education The DICE project (digital copyright in education) aims at providing support to Swiss Higher...
This webinar will introduce you to literacy management, an emerging professional field at the intersection of research on writing and reading,...
A case study and considerations about the technological and instructional choice This webinar will go through the different phases of a project...
The research department of the Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences (Fernfachhochschule Schweiz, FFHS) has created an idea management tool two...
eLesson Markup Language (eLML) is an XML framework allowing authors of e-learning lessons to create structured and sustainable content. The aim of the...
The SIG “Games and learning” proposes this online meeting organised by Luca Botturi for an online showcase of instructional games designed and developed...
Peter Purtschert and Jan Melissen from the Medien- und Informationszentrum MIZ at the ZHdK will present their AAA-project and are keen to get more...
The Swiss e-Learning Community eduhub SWITCH invites you to the eduhub days 2009, the first national meeting dedicated to e-learning executives,...
eduhub days, webinars and workshops are organised by the Swiss e-Learning Community eduhub.