National event e-Portfolio 2016



09h30-10h00 Welcome coffee
10h00-10h30 Introduction by the SIG leader
Patrick Roth, UNIGE
10h30-11h00 SWITCHportfolio as a Trojan Horse
Andrea Gumpert, PH Bern
11h00-11h30 E-portfolio – The student's view
Daniela Räfle, PH Bern
11h30-12h00 SWITCHportfolio – The multi tenant system for Swiss academia: upcoming new feature – SmartEvidence – What it is and how to use it 
Urs Schmid, SWITCH
12h00-13h30 Lunch
13h30-15h30 Workshop: Supporting the reflective process: experience three possible approaches (perception awareness – guided analysis – templating)
Nadia Spang Bovey, UNIL; Patrick Roth, UNIGE
15h30-16h00 Summary and outlook
Patrick Roth, UNIGE