Security Awareness and e-learning

By Katja Dörlemann, SWITCH

Handling data and using the Internet belong to our daily routine, but what about security? It is well known that users play an important role for keeping data secure. Yet, security professionals struggle getting them on board. "Security Awareness" is the discipline that is supposed to take care of the human part of security. But it's all about convincing, teaching and training – areas in which most security professionals lack expertise. That's why within an organisation any security awareness measure is best planned and executed interdisciplinary. Being the central teaching and training platform in most organisations, e-learning is key to successful security awareness concepts. This talk aims at motivating e-learning or education professionals to get engaged in the fight against cybercrime by supporting security professionals taking care of the human part of security.


Katja Dörlemann, SWITCH:

Katja Dörlemann finished her PhD in General and Comparative Literature this year. She joined SWITCH as Awareness Specialist in September 2017. In serving as a security awareness consultant for two different Swiss IT companies, she gained several years experience in raising awareness among Internet users.