National event e-Portfolio 2013



09h30-10h00 Welcome coffee
Offered by SWITCH
10h00-10h15 Introduction

SWITCH Learning Infrastructure Project WP 1.3:
Integration of third party environment with e-portfolios and institutional services
Patrick Roth, UNIGE

10h30-10h45 SWITCH Learning Infrastructure Project WP 1.4:
Pre-study: Long term storage and forgery-proof certificates in user centric environments
Patrick Roth, UNIGE
10h45-11h00 SWITCH Learning Infrastructure Project WP 1.5:
Designing functionalities to facilitate lifelong adoption of e-portfolios
Nadia Spang Bovey, UNIL
11h00-11h15 SWITCH Learning Infrastructure Project WP 3.2:
Develop supportive material for sustaining e-portfolio work over longer periods of time and studies
Andreas Hediger, FFHS
11h15-11h30 White paper on sustainability of the e-portfolio
Patrick Roth, UNIGE
11h30-12h30 Presentation of the use cases linked to e-portfolio
11h30-11h50 Introduction to the use cases (aim) and call for project
Pierre-Yves Burgi, UNIGE
11h50-12h00 Time for some questions
12h00-12h30 Identification of topics and possible scenarios
Topics and use cases
12h30-13h30 Lunch
Offered by SWITCH
13h30-14h15 Work in small groups part I
14h15-15h00 Work in small groups part II
15h00-15h20 Coffee break
15h20-15h40 Presentation of the group work in plenum
15h40-16h00 e-Portfolio guidelines
Official distribution of the guidelines
16h00-16h30 Pilot service SWITCHportfolio
Launch, usage, conditions and involvement of the SIG e-Portfolio
Rolf Brugger, SWITCH
16h30 End of the national event 2013