
January 29, 2020
16h00 to 17h00
55 minutes

Room A 024: Repeat as necessary: How to create lasting knowledge by fully medialising a course

Presenter: Michael Mittag, FHNW
Timekeeper: Nathalie Roth, SWITCH

University education traditionally emphasises confronting complex texts and fostering a deep understanding. As a result, the sustainability often suffers: Students develop deep insights during a session and then forget most of it as they read the next text, and the one after that, or after they have written an exam or spent the holiday doing other things.

We have created cartoon videos for every text we read in an introduction seminar, so we can always repeat core insights in a matter of minutes if students have forgotten them after a week or year. This improves continuity over the entire duration of the study, as we can easily refer back any time. It also improves motivation for studying and for reading the text, because students know that they will get something out of it that is meaningful and lasting.


Room A 019: Five universities – one open online course

Presenter: Charlotte Axelsson, ZHdK
Timekeeper: Nathalie Roth, SWITCH

Centres for university didactics and digital learning of ETH Zurich, PHZH, UZH, ZHAW and ZHdK have established meetings for exchange twice a year. For swissuniversities' P8 grant for strengthening digital skills we initiated a joint project. The aim is to develop an open online course concerning video production and the impact of videos in higher education. Each university contributes one chapter according to their expertise and needs. The positive side effect of this project is that all participants are working closely together and share their good practice of integrating videos in higher education.

The online course consists of the following chapters and will be published on Swiss MOOC Service:

  • Digital skills and media competences for university teachers
  • Narration, interaction and aesthetic aspects of storytelling
  • Concepts for enabling the use of video for peer learning
  • Effective and efficient design and production of talking head videos
  • Instructional design for video-based self-study courses

In the workshop we want to share our experiences, present the current status and discuss needs as well as further goals.


Room A 017: Video analysis for teaching and learning – use cases and best practices

Presenter: David Graf, UNIBE
Timekeeper: Wolfgang Widulle, FHNW

The analysis of video material can be very valuable for teaching and learning. This workshop will focus on different use cases, tell the story of best practices at the University of Bern and give the opportunity to discuss own ideas on how to profit from video analysis in teaching. As a software, we will be relying on the SWITCHcast/Opencast Annotation Tool, an easy-to-use-tool for analysing videos online.

This is a flipped workshop: Please come prepared by watching this video: Learning through video analysis – online & collaborative, D. Graf. We will start the workshop with a very, very short summary of the use cases and give the opportunity to ask questions about the tool and the use cases presented in the video.

Rough agenda:

  • Short recapitulation of and questions about the use cases presented in the video (10 min.)
  • Live demonstration of newly developed features (5 min.)
  • Hands-on: participants can use the tool and ask questions (10 min.)
  • Presentation of additional scenarios, according to participants' needs (15 min.)
  • Small group work: Participants briefly describe their own scenarios. Listeners ask comprehension questions and then give feedback or suggest ideas (15 min.).
  • Share ideas: Participants share their ideas/scenarios, moderators takes notes on flipchart. (5 min.)



Room A 015: SIG Video Workshop

Presenter: Jean-François Van de Poël, UNIL
Timekeeper: Wolfgang Widulle, FHNW

On the occasion of this edition of eduhub days, the SIG Video wishes to propose and organise a workshop to define the precise objectives of the proposed activity for the year 2020, namely the design and implementation of a MOOC on the creation and production of teaching and learning videos.

This MOOC will of course be based on the two versions of the guide produced by the group in recent years and will enrich this already very exhaustive work by proposing new sections related in particular to multimedia writing and support for teachers' professional development through the production of this new type of course content, and it will also enrich the range of blended learning scenarios in which these videos are integrated and the tools and software recommended for teachers.

The workshop that we will propose will be structured around three main parts:

  1. A presentation of the project of a MOOC's production, its objectives and a proposal for a planning of its implementation.
  2. A framework on what a MOOC is and more precisely on what quality criteria and methodology should be used to design one.
  3. A brainwriting activity designed to bring out the main outlines and orientations that will be given to this MOOC project.

The purpose of this workshop will be to produce an enhanced version of the project that will then be validated by all groups before being implemented.