Students' and teachers panel: "What engages us?"

February 16, 2022
Online with & Zoom by Virtualchair


Maxime Kaiser, UNIL

Currently finishing my bachelor’s degree in the management field at University of Lausanne, I’ve always been passionate about new technologies and their application in an educational environment. Along my studies, I’ve had the chance to work as a business specialist for a Swiss Apple Premium Reseller where I could improve my skills on the topic of education practice related to new technologies to better support schools and teachers in their digital transformation. More recently, I joined the "centre de soutien à l’enseignement" of University of Lausanne as an assistant to help teachers and students with the use of digital tools offered to enhance the learning experience. I’m definitely part of this generation of young people who want to see changes around me, and education is no exception. Learning technics could be improve and I’m proud to be at my own level part of this change.


Giulia Canale, HSLU

My name is Giulia Canale and I live in the canton of Schwyz. I'm currently doing my Master's degree at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in the field of online business and marketing. I also did my bachelor's degree at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, but in the field of human resources management and process management. In addition to my Master's degree, I am working at SWITCH as a trainee in the Procurement department with a workload of 70%. In my free time, I like to go hiking or look after my pets.


Federico Lucchesi, USI

I am a Ph.D. candidate, research and teaching assistant at the Institute of Digital Technologies for Communication (ITDxC) at USI Università della Svizzera italiana. My research interests include visual and online communication, social media, interpersonal communication and creative visual methods for qualitative research. I hold a BA in Communication Sciences and a MA in Advertising and Communication for the Public and Private Sectors, both achieved cum laude at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan. Between 2010 and 2018 I worked for several international companies as journalist (SKY Italia, Nonsoloambiente, Il Diciotto), radio speaker (Radio 21), digital communication specialist (STF), copywriter (Ventura), content editor (Vox), qualitative market researcher (Periscope) and events manager (24hAssistance).




Andrea Reichmuth, ZHAW

Andrea Reichmuth, Dr., studied business administration (lic.oec.publ.) at the University of Zurich and completed the relevant training to qualify as a teacher in the subject "Economic and Law". After her studies, she gained practical work experience in Switzerland and abroad before returning to the University of Zurich in 2010. In 2017, she completed her dissertation in high school and vocational education (Dr. phil.) on the topic of interaction in the classroom that promotes learning. Since 2017, she has been working at the Center for Innovative Didactics at the ZHAW School of Management and Law where she is responsible for the CAS in Higher and Professional Education and a methodological Bachelor-Module. In this context, she also deals with the topic of gamification. In the BSc module, she developed and implemented a gamified learning-concept that had a positive impact on students’ engagement.


Catherine Cooremans, UNIL

Catherine Cooremans holds a PhD in Economic and Social Sciences, Business Management orientation and an Executive Master in Business Management. She is doing research, teaching and consulting in the field of corporate investment decision-making and energy & decarbonization investments. She has conceived and managed (2012 to 2017) the Certificate of advanced studies in Energy Management at University of Geneva. She is working as an expert with the Swiss public authorities (cantonal & federal). As senior researcher at University of Lausanne, Dr Cooremans was co-leader of the EU H-2020 project M-BENEFITS Valuing and Communicating the Multiple Benefits of Energy-Efficiency Projects (2018-2021). She now works as a senior researcher in HEC Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of Strategy, Globalization and Society (SGS).


Luca Botturi, SUPSI

Born in Milano in 1977, Luca Botturi holds a PhD in Communication sciences from the University of Lugano. He worked in field and research projects in educational technologies in Switzerland, Italy, Canada, Spain and the United States of America. He is currently Professor in Media in education at the Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana in Locarno. With the NGO seed he is active in social and international cooperation as well: he gained field experience in Croatia, Macedonia, Ecuador, Mexico and Ghana. He is president of Fondazione San Benedetto in Lugano. Over the last years, Luca led several digital education projects with schools in Northern Italy, enganging pupils, teachers, administrators and parents. Luca lives in Lugano and is a proud father of 6 children.


Wolfgang Rathert, HSLU

Wolfgang is an entrepreneur, business game designer, and university lecturer. His 30 years of professional work experience were gained in the IT, consulting, education, marketing, and financial industry. Wolfgang has developed 50+ management simulations for companies in Europe, USA, and Asia, and is member of several boards of directors and advisory boards.

Wolfgang's university engagements include

  • head of the CAS program "Digital Customer Experience" (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU))
  • lecturer on leadership, using the simulation "Team in Action" (University of St. Gallen (HSG))
  • lecturer on "Innovative Organizational Development and Personal Development" (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW))
  • lecturer on gamification, community management, and digital marketing (Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW))
  • lecturer on business ethics (Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Switzerland)