Hack the hacker

Thursday, February 14, 2019
Room KOL-G-209

Raising digital awareness with an analogue game

Katja Doerlemann & Oli Schacher, SWITCH

Digitalisation is reinventing the way we work, learn and communicate. Sharing, distributing, researching – a lot of things get a lot more convenient. But along with great opportunities we're facing big challenges.

Data theft and manipulation have become well elaborated business models. Quality and quantity of attacks increase constantly while focusing more and more on targeting the user. Yet, the topic of information security is often left out when talking about digitalisation.

Being able to use new technologies and to apply them in a way, so that they are the most efficient for our intentions requires basic knowledge about using them securely. Users must be capable of protecting their own privacy and information assets.

To raise the awareness for information security SWITCH-CERT developed the "Hack the hacker" security awareness training. In the style of an escape room the participants solve security related puzzles in a game environment.

We will discuss the importance of security knowledge for digital excellence and how an analogue game environment helps raising digital awareness.