Creative cafés


Learning Infrastructure – final presentation and discussion session

The creative cafés consist of eight tables with three sessions of 30 minutes each. They will provide insight into what has been achieved during the last year in the Learning Infrastructure project. The aim of the creative cafés is to involve non-project-members in a lively discussion.

Each creative café table represents a mixture of projects related to the same topic highlighting certain aspects and giving participants the opportunity to bring in their point of view.

During the sessions members of the Learning Infrastructure project will very shortly (5 min.) present the results of their contributions to the overall project. The remaining 25 minutes will be used for discussion with the participants.

1. Competence-oriented learning and testing

Host: Laurent Moccozet, UNIGE/Co-host: Tobias Halbherr, ETHZ

Other participants: SIG e-Assessment

  • What does competence-orientation mean?
  • How do changes in learning culture influence assessments?
  • How can lecturers provide competence-orientation in exams?
  • What are the specific requirements and problems?

2. e-Portfolio

Host: Céline Restrepo Zea, UNIL/Co-host: Andy Hediger, FFHS

Other participants: Patrick Roth, UNIGE; Nadia Spang Bovey, UNIL, SIG e-Portfolio

  • First round: How should students and teachers who are new to e-portfolios be introduced to the concept?
  • Second round: How to simplify the use of a single tool meant for multiple purposes?
  • Third round: What is the potential of transferring a learning portfolio from the studies to a portfolio maintained after the studies?

3. Lifelong Learning

Host: Nicole Bittel, FFHS/Co-hosts: Bineta Ndiaye & Suzanne de Jonckheere, UNIGE

  • First round: What are your learning needs as a lifelong learner at university?
  • Second round: What does your university already do for lifelong learning and what should your university do?
  • Third round: Imagine, how will university be in 20 years when LLL is implemented?

4. Mobile Learning

Host: Karin Niffeler, UZH/Co-host: Hervé Platteaux, UNIFR

Other participants: Christian Glahn, ETHZ, SIG Mobile Learning

  • What are the most promising mobile learning scenarios at universities?
  • What are the typical prerequisites to realise mobile scenarios for students and for teachers?
  • What infrastructure support is required for mobile scenarios at universities and at national level?

5. Creative break table

This table is available for free creative discussions and has therefore no host. The booster for this table is:

  • If you’ve could initiate and lead an independent one-year e-learning project, what project would that be?

6. e-Assessment starter

Host: Marc Sohrmann, UNIL/Co-host: Elisabeth Liechti, UZH
Other participants: Frank Koch, HSR, SIG e-Assessment

  • Why use e-assessment?
  • What must an individual lecturer consider if he or she wants to use e-assessment for the first time?
  • What scenarios are already well known and established at Swiss HEIs?
  • Which hints can help teachers and institutions?

7. e-Assessment strategies

Host: Daniel Schneider, ETHZ/Co-hosts: David Böhler, UNIBAS; Daniel Scherly, UNIGE
Other participants: SIG e-Assessment

  • What strategies can an institution choose, and which tools are necessary?
  • What are the preconditions and necessary resources?
  • How can e-assessment be implemented?
  • What are the next steps?

8. Personal learning environments and personal working environments

Host: Denis Gillet, EPFL/Co-host: Cinzia Garcia, FHNW
Other participants: Laurent Opprecht, UNIGE, SIG PLE, SIG e-Collaboration

  • What are the differences between collaborative learning and working environments?
  • How important is the strategic institutional support for a PLE or a PWE? What difference does it make?
  • What are the specific requirements of academic PLE or PWEs compared to common available commercial or free PLE or PWEs?
  • What is the main motivation for a university to implement a collaboration platform?