Conference programme


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

11h00 - 12h00 Arrival of participants
12h00 - 13h30 Lunch
13h30 - 13h40 Welcome by SWITCH
Konrad Jaggi, SWITCH
13h40 - 13h50 General information
Nathalie Roth, SWITCH
13h50 - 14h00 Introduction by the ETWG
Pierre-Yves Burgi, UNIGE
14h00 - 15h00 Keynote: "Seven ways universities can stay relevant"
Donald Clark, Plan B Learning, Brighton, UK
Chair: Nathalie Roth, SWITCH
15h00 - 15h30 Coffee break
15h30 - 16h00 Overview and starting shot of creative cafés
Petra Kauer-Ott & Rolf Brugger, SWITCH
16h00 - 17h30 Creative cafés (3 x 30 min.)
17h30 - 18h30 Individual break
18h30 - 22h00 Aperitif and dinner at Restaurant du Parc des Bastions


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

09h00 - 09h30

CUS P-2 Programme – general information
Pierre-Yves Burgi, University of Geneva

09h30 - 10h30 MOOC agora – Perspectives of different stakeholders
Pierre Dillenbourg, EPFL; Pablo Achard, UNIGE; Martin Vögeli, HWZ; Pierre-Yves Rochat, EPFL
Chair: Nicole Bittel, FFHS
10h30 - 11h00 Coffee break
11h00 - 12h00 Student panel
Chairs: Stefan van der Vlies, FHNW; Willi Bernhard, FFHS
12h00 - 12h15 Student award
12h15 - 12h30 Summary and outlook
Pierre-Yves Burgi, UNIGE
12h30 - 13h30 Lunch
13h30 End of eduhub days 2014


Programme committee

Christian Glahn, ETHZ; Jürg Fraefel, PHZH; Nathalie Roth, SWITCH; Nicole Bittel, FFHS; Paul Imboden, BFH; Petra Kauer-Ott, SWITCH; Pierre-Yves Burgi, UNIGE; Ricarda T. D. Reimer, FHNW; Rolf Brugger, SWITCH; Stefan van der Vlies, FHNW; Willi Bernhard, FFHS


Side event

13h30 - 15h30 Meeting of the Educational Technology Working Group (ETWG)

  • Chair: Pierre-Yves Burgi, UNIGE
  • Secretary: Nathalie Roth, SWITCH