Conference programme


The conference programme consists of the contributions from the members of the Swiss e-Learning Community eduhub and has been selected and compiled by the programme committee of the eduhub days 2016.


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

10h00 - 11h00 Arrival and registration of participants
Foyer Joseph Deiss Auditorium
11h00 - 11h05 Welcome by the University of Fribourg
Jacques Pasquier, UNIFR
Joseph Deiss Auditorium
Chair: Hervé Platteaux, UNIFR
11h05 - 11h10 Welcome by SWITCH
Konrad Jaggi, SWITCH
Joseph Deiss Auditorium
Chair: Hervé Platteaux, UNIFR
11h10 - 11h20 General information
Nathalie Roth, SWITCH
Joseph Deiss Auditorium
Chair: Hervé Platteaux, UNIFR
11h20 - 11h30 Introduction by the ETWG
Pierre-Yves Burgi, UNIGE
Joseph Deiss Auditorium
Chair: Hervé Platteaux, UNIFR
11h30 - 12h30

When learning analytics meets MOOCs
Martin Ebner, TU Graz, Austria
Joseph Deiss Auditorium
Chair: Hervé Platteaux, UNIFR

12h30 - 13h30

Foyer Joseph Deiss Auditorium

13h30 - 14h00 Starting shot for showroom presentations
Joseph Deiss Auditorium
Chair: Jacques Monnard, UNIFR
14h00 - 15h00  Showrooms (4 x 10 min. + 20 min. discussion)
Session rooms B130 / C130 / D130 / E130 / F130
Chairs: Jacques Monnard, UNIFR; Ricarda T.D. Reimer, PH-FHNW; Willi Bernhard, FFHS
15h00 - 15h30 Coffee break
Foyer Joseph Deiss Auditorium
15h30 - 16h00 Starting shot for creative cafés I
Joseph Deiss Auditorium
Chair: Ricarda T.D. Reimer, PH-FHNW
16h00 - 18h00 Creative cafés I (3 x 40 min.)
Session rooms B205 / B207 / F205 / F207 / B130 / C130 / D130 / E130 / F130
Chairs: Jacques Monnard, UNIFR; Ricarda T.D. Reimer, PH-FHNW; Willi Bernhard, FFHS
18h00 - 19h00 Individual break
19h00 - 20h00 Aperitif at Gutenberg Museum, Fribourg
20h00 - 22h00 Conference dinner at Restaurant Punkt, Fribourg


Thursday, January 28, 2016

08h30 - 09h00  Starting shot for creative cafés II
Joseph Deiss Auditorium
Chair: Elisabetta Decarli-Frick, USI
09h00 - 11h00 Creative cafés II (3 x 40 min.)
Session rooms B205 / B207 / F205 / F207 / B130 / C130 / D130 / E130 / F130 / C230
Chairs: Elisabetta Decarli-Frick, USI, Gérald Collaud, UNIFR; Christoph Herzog, SWITCH
11h00 - 11h30 Coffee break
Foyer Joseph Deiss Auditorium
11h30 - 12h30 Student panel
Joseph Deiss Auditorium
Chairs: Paola Rattu, UNIL; Willi Bernhard, FFHS
12h30 - 12h45 Swiss edu-ID: Current activities and outlook
Petra Kauer & Rolf Brugger, SWITCH
Joseph Deiss Auditorium
Chair: Hervé Platteaux, UNIFR
12h45 - 13h00 Summary and outlook
Konrad Jaggi, SWITCH; Pierre-Yves Burgi, UNIGE
Joseph Deiss Auditorium
Chair: Hervé Platteaux, UNIFR
13h00 - 14h00 Lunch
Foyer Joseph Deiss Auditorium


Side event

14h00 - 16h00 meeting of the Educational Technology Working Group (ETWG), room F130


Programme committee

Christian Glahn, HTW Chur; Christoph Herzog, SWITCH; Elisabetta Decarli-Frick, USI; Gérald Collaud, UNIFR; Hervé Platteaux, UNIFR; Jacques Monnard, UNIFR; Konrad Jaggi, SWITCH; Nathalie Roth, SWITCH; Paola Rattu, UNIL; Paul Raper, FHNW; Ricarda T.D. Reimer, FHNW; Willi Bernhard, FFHS