Creative cafés I

January 27, 2016, 16h00 - 18h00


In the creative cafés a topic is presented and discussed more deeply with the participants during a session of 3 x 40 minutes (three slots of 40 minutes for a different audience after each time slot) with 5 minutes break in between each time slot. Participants switch table after each 40 minutes.


Room B205

Session chair: Ricarda T.D. Reimer, PH-FHNW

Standard and generalised evaluation of teaching by the students: the tools

Valérie Follonier, Jean-Michel Jullien; UniDistance

Distance Learning University Switzerland (UniDistance) has established a standard evaluation of teaching by the students and therefore developed two new tools. The tools ensure the confidentiality of the results and support all the actors in their tasks.

The first tool allows the institution to create the survey and to assign it to all the students of the university. Afterwards, the students can answer to their survey in this tool. The second tool presents the results of the evaluation to the actors of the process. This tool proposes specific features for the teaching teams, the dean, the direction…

The teaching team can see the results of the closed questions in form of histograms. For the results of open questions, we propose a word cloud which gives a quick view of the tendencies with two specifications: the possibility to know how many times a word appeared in the answer and the possibility to click on the word to see the context of appearance.

Our goal is to present these tools of our established standard evaluation and to discuss this subject, which is important for the whole Swiss university landscape.



Room B207

Session chair: Ricarda T.D. Reimer, PH-FHNW

Technology-enhanced assessment services at Swiss higher education institutions

Tobias Halbherr, ETHZ; Omar Benkacem, Laurent Moccozet, UNIGE; Karin Niffeler, UZH

Establishing e-assessment services at higher education institutions provides many opportunities, but also many challenges. What are the most important technological, pedagogical, logistic, and legal aspects that need to be taken into account? How can key decision makers and opinion leaders in universities be convinced of the potential of e-assessment and how can their corresponding fears be alleviated? What kinds of support do students and examiners require that are new to e-assessments? What about student acceptance of e-assessments, technical incidents, and appeals?

In this creative café representatives from various Swiss HEIs (UNIGE, ETHZ, UZH) will share and discuss their experience in establishing e-assessments at their institution.


Room F205

Session chair: Ricarda T.D. Reimer, PH-FHNW

Votamatic: UNIGE's online clicker system

Steve Bennoun, UNIGE

It has been a few years that we see more and more the use of classroom response systems (also known as clickers) in university lecture halls. Until recently, most of these systems were using devices resembling remote controls to enable the students to vote in real time.

Starting from the observation that the deployment at large scale of such a system can be costly and that many students were bringing their own devices in the classroom, the University of Geneva's Faculty of Medicine decided to develop its own online solution in 2011. This system, called Votamatic, is now used by the whole university.

During this creative café we will present the features of Votamatic. We will also explain how teachers at UNIGE use it as well as the requests for further developments. Finally, this session will be an opportunity to discuss the advantages and limitations of this tool in comparison to other systems that are freely available online.


Room B130

Session chair: Willi Bernhard, FFHS

When we discovered that virtual reality is not just a game and started to use gadgets as a method to disrupt

Safak Korkut, Janine Jäger; FHNW

Crowdfunding platforms are flooded with technological products that all seek a sustainable placement in the market. Many come with life-saving promises. However, a big part of the gadget bubble dissolves within a year or less. Many, if not all, of these products are offering fun and creative ways to connect with your phone and solve a problem you thought never existed, yet still you can't believe how you managed to survive all those years without it. In this creative café session, we are introducing a disruptive workshop in which the participants try out some innovative gadgets and create disruptive ideas and a vision board for new technological and interactive education settings.


Room C130

Session chair: Willi Bernhard, FFHS

Learning with video – online and collaborative

David Graf, UNIBE; Dominicq Riedo, UNIFR

The educational use of video in higher education is accelerating rapidly. E.g., video give students not only the possibility to recapitulate recorded lectures, they also offer the opportunity to receive objective feedback on ones own performance or to thoroughly analyse a captured situation or activity. "Annotate!" is a easy-to-use-tool for analysing videos online. In this creative café we present several use cases how online-video-annotation with "Annotate!" and SWITCHcast can be introduced for interactive and collaborative learning scenarios:

After a short introduction we show the technical possibilities of this tool providing examples (i) of training with it's own videos or video productions, (ii) of individual or collaborative feedback-methods and (iii) of it's use in basic training or continuing education programs (e.g., micro teaching, lesson-analysis, interview-training or flipped classroom). During the eduhub days we will provide a test-channel for interested public registering at this creative café.


Room D130

Session Chair: Jacques Monnard, UNIFR

Learn workbench – proposal for a learner's App

Dieter Stokar, HSR

Let's take PLE very literally for a moment. Let's think about what learning actually means in a very practical sense: reading (school-)books and marking texts, taking notes, comparing, referencing, repeating, drawing conclusions, memorising, etc.

How about the environment for this activity? Most of you will be used to a setup like: a book, note paper and pen. Or a computer, note paper and pen. Or just a laptop/tablet?

All setups are "workable" – but none is nearly as supportive and powerful as it could be.

So, here comes a proposal for an app that supports the learning process: the "Learn Workbench". A piece of software that you use while learning: On the left it visualises a textbook. On the right it offers tools, in particular one for taking notes.

The crucial point being a clever and powerful referencing mechanism in the background. In a generic and universal way, it let's you add links to your notes, no matter what they refer to. Be it a webpage, text, PDF, doc, presentation, video, sound, whatever.

The challenge is to start comprehending the potential of this concept. Let's talk about it in the creative café session!


Room E130

Session chair: Jacques Monnard, UNIFR

Sharing of digital contents

Daniel Fritschi, Renato Furter; SWITCH

With the appearance of personal computers many people had the opportunity to create digital content. But the sharing of that kind of data was very difficult and unhandy. To spread this data the owner had to print it out or store it on floppy disks. The Internet, especially the e-mail or the WWW protocol, made it much easier to share digital content.

But if more than one person work together on the same data, all these services wouldn't be very helpful. In a short time the involved people would end up with hugely different versions of that common data. Software developers solved this problem with specific code management tools like cvs, svn or git. But these tools are very complex and difficult to use.

To answer to this kind of needs the "sync and share" mechanism came up. The big invention was not to build another tool, but to enhance the well-known "Explorer" on Windows and "Finder" on Mac. So the user must not learn to use a new tool.

SWITCH runs the "sync and share" service SWITCHdrive for university members. This service extends the "Explorer" and the "Finder" for file sharing. For simple spreading of huge data over e-mail the SWITCHfilesender is a very simple tool to do it.

In the first part of this creative café we will introduce the features of these two services and some details from behind the scenes to understand some special behaviors. In the second part we will give you the opportunity to talk about your experiences and needs in sharing digital contents with others.


Room F130

Session chair: Jacques Monnard, UNIFR

A little guide to make videos and animations

Maud Sieber, Hervé Platteaux; UNIFR
Videos are more and more present in the HE teaching landscape. But it is difficult, both for a HE teacher and for an e-learning centre, to know what questions to answer before to start, to develop a vision of the video role, etc. before to jump into a video project.
We wish to constitute a little guide, which answers a list of questions (with a lot of examples, deepening links and documents):

    •    What types of video/animation can be done/used for teaching?

    •    How much time does it take to make a video/animation?

    •    What are the main steps in a video/animation project?

    •    What material is needed (camera, microphone, lighting, etc.)?

    •    What about interactive videos/animations?

    •    What examples of video/animation usages exist in other universities?

    •    Where do I store/share my videos/animations?

The creative café will begin with a presentation of the current version of the guide. It will continue with inputs of the participants.